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Sunday 25th October 2020



Call to worship: Psalm 133 -Claude




Opening prayer – Jenny

Lord's Prayer – Jenny


Song-We really want to thank you Lord


Good News


Bible Reading John 15:9 – 16:4   Angela


Song: Who is there like you   



2nd Bible Reading - 1 Corinthians 3:23 – 4:5 Basha


Song: I will sing the wondrous story


Message: Being worthy – Mr Nigel Malka

Jesus taught God loves us and we need to return his love and show it to the world

As God love us, we must be lovable, we have been given abilities and a purpose,

We’re taught to live by God’s ways, to love God, ourselves and one another

We are judged; God expectations is to reward us not to punished us

Jesus told us to witness his life and his teachings

So also in his eyes we are capable and so worthy to do what he asks of us

The consequence of this, is to show God we are worthy

To do what is right and not be stopped by convention or man made rules.

If God’s Spirit is leading us then let us be lead, let’s do right by God.


God is our final judge, it’s not our friends, nor our peers, or our church,

We will be judged on our faith in Jesus and how we have put that faith into action

Thing will not be easy for us, else how can we show we have been faithful.


Consider what lies behind God loving us – first we must be worth loving

We’re told to keep his commands – therefore we must be capable of keeping them

We are Jesus’ friends – therefore we have something in us that Jesus likes

Jesus taught us – therefore we must be capable of doing what we learn


We have been chosen – therefore we must have potential to do what God wants of us

We are told we are like him – therefore we are able to be like him

We are expected not to sin – therefore we shouldn’t sin

We are sent the Councillor who is truth - therefore we can know what is right

The Holy Spirit guides & encourages– therefore we’re capable to witness God’s Ways


Jesus taught us to Love God, love one another and witness Jesus to others.

We’ve been taught so we don’t go astray and warned that people will hate us

We been given jobs to do and the skills and ability to do them

We are told to witness Jesus, given gifts of forgiveness, faith and the Holy Spirit

Therefore we should have both the duty and the desire to live as one of his followers


Worthy, is having merit, being of value, admirable, commendable and praiseworthy,

Yet worthy doesn’t mean being prefect

Think of footballer, say a goalkeeper, his job is to stop the ball going into the net

Yet he fails, but in trying to do his best he is worthy of his place in the team.

God has chosen us, therefore he thinks we are worthy to be in his team

We know we’re not perfect, we fail God’s standards, we need Jesus’ forgiveness

Yet by this very act of forgiveness by the Son of God, we know that we are loved

Jesus’ expects us to follow God’s ways, and gave us God’s own Spirit to help us

This shows God loves us, wants a relationship with us, thinks we are worthy.


So who has been worthy in the eyes of God and given jobs to do.

Prophets like Jeremiah & Ezekiel facing real opposition in preaching God’s word

Daniel, faced exile, jealousy, persecution and the lions

Paul was often rejected by fellow Jews, beaten, left for dead, sent to prison,

Those following God’s ways do face hardships and testing

Jesus asked not to be tested, yet like him we will be tested to prove we are worthy.


In Deut (14:2) we read:- You are a people holy to the lord your God.

Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth

The Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession.

We are chosen, treasured, expected to demonstrate our love toward God

Which doesn’t mean we’ll have a easy life, rather a challenging one


Jesus tells us we are chosen, we read it earlier in John (15:16)

You did not choose me, but I chose you

And appointed you to go and bear fruit. Fruit that will last

Therefore we must be capable of doing those things God has chosen us to do.

We must go and bear fruit, then God will grant our requests


Jesus was unconventional in an insular society, he chose people for their faith

Not based on; background, education, power, riches, gender, type of work

Or where people came from; he dealt with whoever was prepared to listen,

Bringing to them the chance of a relationship with God

Jesus looks not just at what we do, but the reason behind why we do things

The important thing is, will it be said of us, ‘good and trusted followers’

The world may think people are ‘unworthy’ but it is what God thinks that’s important


Jesus taught both men and women and when you teach someone

Then the expectation is that they use the knowledge given to pass on to others

He trained his disciples to witness his life, God’s Love and his ways


Both men and the women he met were changed, fishermen, tax collectors,

Mary, rejected her expected role when her sister Martha wanted her help,

Instead she sat with the men to learn the teaching that Jesus gave

‘Mary has chosen what is better, and will not be taken away from it’.

A clear instruction that everyone has the right to choose what is right for them

To seek God’s ways and not blindly accept the role that others place upon them.


When later Mary does the unconventional by pouring pure nard over Jesus’ feet.

Jesus taught that what was done was less important than why it was done

After his death when Mary Magdalene was weeping in the garden

He gave her comfort and at the same time gave her a job to do. (John 23:50-end)

To tell the disciples he had risen and was returning to his Father,

And when Mary came to tell the men, they would not believe her.


What is it that stops us being worthy or stops us being chosen?

It’s when we turn our backs on God, doing those things that pleases us and not him

We may not succeed in the world eyes, but by making Jesus Lord of our lives

Acknowledging our love our Heavenly Father and doing the things that please him

Then we will know we are worthy of forgiveness and his love.


Over the last 4,000 years we know of many have who have witness for God

Putting his teachings before their own safety.

We are here knowing of the offer Jesus gave us because we have been chosen

We are God’s treasured possession to be used for his glory, given tasks to do,

We need to live to God’s way, so witnessing the love and life of Jesus


What should be important to us is what Jesus thinks of what we do,

As God has chosen us, he believes we are worthy so we must be worthy

The consequence of being worthy is, that the gifts given to us by God

Are to be used for the glory of God’s Kingdom, witnessing Jesus’ love for all

We should not hide our talents but use them

And encourage others to use and keep using their talents witnessing God’s ways

We are worthy to say to anyone, God lives, he loves, his ways are the right ways

Follow him to find the real joy of our existence it’s what we’ve been chosen to do

And each one of us is worthy to live and witness that Jesus is The Son of God!

Go witness for Jesus, love God and each other, for we are worthy in God’s eyes


Song:The King of Love


Prayers of healing/intercession –Claude


Song:All I once held dear


16.05. Blessing - Claude

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