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27th September 2020



Welcome- Claude


Call to Worship-Claude


Song 1 Praise My Soul the King of Heaven


Prayers- Hazel


The Lord’s Prayer- Hazel


Song 2 – Shout to the Lord


Good News


Song 3 – As the deer pants for water


Bible Reading- Revelation 5:7-14

Gospel reading - John 4:19-26


Song 4 – Crown Him with many crowns


Message: Worship by Mr Nigel Malka​

We know the foundation of being a Christian is first to love The Lord Our God

With all our heart, mind, soul and strength

Second is to love one another as God loves us

Jesus told us to take that love to those who don’t know God’s Love

These all come together in a worship time

For it is in Worship that enables us to demonstrate our love of God, to God

We heard they do it in heaven and we are to do it here in our world

Worship enables God to touch us, in song, prayer reading and in the teaching

In the experience it enables us to understand God’s Word better and so able to share it


Worship is about being at one with God, to give our love and receive his love

When we join as a church community we become part of The Body of Jesus

Using God’s Spirit to know and be encouraged to carry out God’s will.


There is a very good reason why church services have developed as they have

They reflect what happened in that last night of Jesus’ life

1, Just being together of one mind sharing in God’s love - community

2, Teaching’ listening to Jesus teach God’s Ways - the talk

3, Acknowledging God after the meal by singing psalms– Hymns

4, Jesus talking to His father in the garden – our prayers and intersessions


However we should not make it to traditional which can restrict our thinking, that is

Doing and saying the same thing without giving due consideration to what’s said

An example can be the Lord’s prayer in not considering the meaning of the words

Worship needs to provide the ability to challenge ourselves to grow in God’s love.

In what Elmwood and others churches are currently doing Via WhatsApp and the

internet has made many realise how important worship actually is.


Worship is essential to each of us and if anyone feels they need a different style

Then discuss it with one of the leaders for we all have quite different needs

What is vital is working towards something that serves all the congregation

For it’s everyone’s collective input that makes a loving, growing Christian community


Jesus taught us how to worship, first creating an environment to be with God

He showed that by washing the disciples’ feet, leadership is about serving

Christian leaders need to be the servant to their group, helping others on The Way

Too often past leadership has been dictatorial making the community their servants

Jesus is The Way, and worship needs to move his followers along That Way


Everyone should have some part to play in helping in that journey.


Jesus always gave his followers opportunities to ask questions

To challenge, to express themselves and to show their love and commitment

Worship of God is recognising who God is, it’s why we hold him in awe

But in this modern society we seem to have lost most of the awe for our creator

But also his disciples were full of joy when worshiping so let’s be joyful


Jesus taught when we pray we should address our prayers to Our Heavenly Father

Then to give extra weight to the prayer we add Jesus’ name

Once accepting Jesus; as the Way, the Truth and the Life

We are given several presents, one of which is The Holy Spirit

And it is God’s Spirit that gives us direct access to God’s Word and worship

Which is why The Holy Spirit is so important to us

And why we should make time to know him and develop a relationship with him.


Worship is at the centre of knowing God and growing in his ways

We show this in our heart by loving unconditionally. In our mind by our desires

In our soul by faith, and in actions by our strength, so becoming at one with God

And by being at one with God, we also come to realise who worship is for

It is not for God, rather it is for us, it is because we want to come into his present

We worship to grow in our relationship with God and so we acknowledge we’re his

And in doing that we grow together as the body of Jesus.


Consider the variety of activities needed in worship, being together as family

Those taking part the welcome, music, doing the reading, the prayer, the talk

The cleaning of the place, the flowers, the drink and little chats afterwards

The pastoral care so people can get here, and these are only some of the tasks.

Worshiping God makes for a loving and vibrant church community

We need to build on it, so grow in our relationships with God and with each other


Worship maybe carried out at any time, in any place, in a group or on our own

So why Church? The answer is in the true nature of what worship is all about

Together being close to God, growing the relationship as part of his family

For Jesus said, where two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be.

What a promise, and it is one we can hold Jesus to

Jesus, along with God’s Holy Spirit are here now, joined with us in our worship. So we always remember to worship God in body mind and soul and in strength.




Song 5 – You raise me up


Prayers of Healing/Intercession- Roy


Song 6 O Worship the King, All Glorious Above


Blessing -Nigel





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