Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 30th May 2021
The Moving of The Spirit
To encourage the acceptance of the Holy Spirit and the willingness to use the gift of God.
Call to Worship
God Loves us,
We return that love, by accepting Jesus’ word and making him our Lord
We then give God a commitment to try and live to his ways
And to help us, The Holy Spirit is given, enabling us to use the gifts of God.
These gifts are not for ourselves but for the benefit of others
To help us go and do God’s work, witnessing the truth and the ways of God
God’s gifts are Not to be ignored or abused but to be eagerly sought after,
These Gifts of God are to demonstrate we are loving followers of God and his son Jesus.
Using the gifts give us the confidence and the encouragement to step out in faith
Whatever we do or say, should show God’s love to others,
We come together to grow in fellowship, willing to be touched by The Spirit of God
And every day we ought to have those moments when we meet with God
Hymn 673 There is a Redeemer
Opening prayer.
Our Heavenly Father we come here to join together to worship you
We acknowledge you as The only true God, and your son Jesus as our Lord.
Thank you for choosing us and may our worship please you
Jesus we willingly accept God’s Spirits which was sent to us through you
May our faith in you give us the certainty to always witness to your love
Holy Spirit come, be with us in our worship, Fill us with your Spirit
Guide us in our thinking so we may follow God’s ways and love one another.
Encouraging us to use all your gifts so we may spread God’s love to others
And be as one in fellowship with yourself, Jesus and with Our Heavenly Father
Lord of All, we ask this in the name of Jesus, your Son,
As we say together The Prayer that Jesus taught us
The Lords Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is The kingdom, The power and The glory, for ever and ever Amen
Hymn I will offer up my life
Bible Reading: Acts 2:1-4 - 13-21, 36-39
Hymn Breathe on me breath of God.
We, like those first Christians, have been given the task to bring Jesus’ words to others
That is, to help build God’s Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven
It’s what we say in the Lord’s Prayer and we need help to do it
Some feel to make it happen, we need buildings, money, a standing in society
Qualifications, professionalism, traditions, yet these things aren’t important
The early church had none of them, and they grew
When we look at those first Christians, we see they allowed themselves to be led
by Jesus’ gifts; of faith and God’s Holy Spirit
Faith for the certainty of having a relationship between ourselves and God
Knowing Jesus is real, our leader, our teacher who gave us the truth and his friendship.
Along with the Holy Spirit to guide and encourage us to do God’s work.
Yet in less than 40 years of Spirit filled growth, the first churches were having problems
Christians were persecuted by both Jews and Romans, then Jerusalem was destroyed
Ephesus was no longer fervent, Laodicea was lukewarm and Sardis was dead
The reason being The Spirit wasn’t active in the people, they had lost direction
People were going to church without the willingness to put God first,
In 12 years’ time we should be celebrating, 2,000 years since Jesus’ resurrection
We need to encourage each other to use God’s gifts, in taking Jesus’ message to others
Many churches have ageing members who have faith but no longer the energy
They’re frustrated not knowing what to do, therefore there’s little mission or growth,
And this society needs the love of Jesus before it truly becomes a secular one
We need Revival and it needs everyone to be earnestly praying and witnessing for Jesus
It’s not always easy to do, yet the more we try the easier it becomes.
The passage in Acts tells of the Spirit of God coming and changing lives and attitudes
The 12 disciples, plus another 100 followers gathered when the Spirit came at Pentecost
Including Jesus’ family and a number of the women who followed the group
They worshipped God, praying earnestly for direction and encouragement
They wanted to live to God’s ways, serve God, carrying out Jesus’ teachings,
The disciples were in hiding, waiting, wondering what would happen next
They must have been uncertain even fearful, but still had the courage to stay together
They were doing what Jesus had told them, To pray and wait for The Spirit of God
Who would guide them in the truth, so help in the role of witnessing The Word of God
That lesson is we don’t try to witness our own, but with the guidance of The Holy Spirit.
In Jerusalem there were hundreds of thousands of people
They came to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, when God’s law was given by Moses
All had an understanding of God but were led by priests who had rejected Jesus
It was 50 days after Jesus had been crucified
For the disciples it was difficult to speak against the priests and their traditions
Since tradition makes people comfortable and unprepared to change or be challenged
Should the disciples had witness Jesus openly then they would risk arrest and their lives
The Holy Spirit coming changed all that
It was the first time God had sent his Spirit upon a large group of followers
Who were then inspired to go out and preach the word of God to strangers
I can remember when at 15 I made my commitment to God
I felt a wonderful peace, what I now call a gentle stroke of love
Since then I’ve wanted to share the experience, which ultimately is why I’m here now
We like the disciples have not been asked but TOLD to take Jesus’ message to the people
And it is difficult to take that first step when unsure of the response we’ll receive
Our problem is we often don’t really trust that the Holy Spirit is with us
We may have the desire to witness in some way but fear the reaction we’ll get
Do we cast pearls before swine, will we be thought of as religious nuts?
What’s important is not what others think, or what we think, but what God thinks of us
These gifts from God are varied and spread out for everyone to use
Those who make Jesus Lord are given the gift of The Holy Spirit and they are changed,
We see Peter stand up and preach, proclaiming God, quoting the prophet Joel
They were able through Faith and God’s Spirit to do miracles and healing
No wonder so many people were converted that day as Peter spoke
Giving his own story of witnessing that Jesus had risen, Jesus was alive
Followed by the proof that they could see for themselves the working of The Holy Spirit.
We all have different gifts, given at the different stages of our relationship with God
In professing to love him, we need to witness that love, not hide it or deny it
When asked what we did this weekend, the first thing we can say is we met with God
Peter had the courage to stand up and tell people about Jesus,
He gave a personal testimony and that’s the most powerful way of witnessing
In witnessing our faith we will make enemies but we will also make friends.
Real friends that will stand by us when things get hard
But best of all is Jesus will be pleased with us and won’t deny us
We witness our love of God in the way we live, in what it is we do and say
Witnessing Jesus is a consequence of loving him, it’s why we have been given gifts
By accepting the gifts he offers and using them to his glory we will see Revival
Jesus told us to use the gifts of God’s Spirit to bear fruit, then we show
Love, peace, joy, hope, faith, faithfulness, patience, encouragement,
Hospitality, healing, caring, serving, kindness, goodness,
Teaching, wisdom, discernment, leadership, prophecies,
Righteousness, prayerfulness, truth, judging, forgiveness, mercy
Tongues, and their interpretation, miraculous power, self control, spiritual zeal,
Christianity is being threaten by Agnosticism those who deny they need God in their lives
When people have what they need, they think they don’t need God?
They think they not really different from those who call themselves Christians
Well what really matters in the end, is not what they think, but what God thinks
So unless these are the last days we need to bring Revival,
The disciples showed us the first step and that is coming together in prayer
What Jesus’ followers did even before the coming of the Holy Spirit was to pray
They joined together to pray, not just for an hour once a week but days on end
Each Revival has started with Christian getting together and praying regularly
We need to do likewise earnestly praying for the Holy Spirit to help us work for revival
Every one of us can pray, so invite a friend round to pray and pray regularly and earnestly
It is up to us to create an environment that God can see his children love him,
That we are prepared to put ourselves out for him,
Tell him what we want, which needs to be the same as he wants, ,
Remember loving God means changes and people in general don’t like change
People make excuses, they’re too busy, doing the things they like to do
They judge the failing of the church in the past, how old fashioned it is in the present
And how in their minds, how unexceptional Christians are and Christianity is.
We have to change that, today most people under 40 have not been told about God
Satan has done some of his best work persuading educationist and politicians
That God and the spiritual side of life is unnecessary
Fighting Satan is never easy but we can win with the help of the Holy Spirit
How do we bring Jesus and his teaching to people, how do we start a revival?
First we need to know God’s ways and then commit ourselves to them
We need to come together not just on Sundays, to live to God’s ways
Building a community of follower needs to be a priority, for us all not just for leaders
And it should be fun, a joy, working together as part of the same family
Caring for one another and in living in God’s love, it’s that which makes us different
By living in the love of God, in friendship and fellowship with each other
People will be asking the question why are we so different.
What brings us such joy in our life. Not just happiness but joy, Even when things go against us, and yes, things do become difficult
But who said being a child of God was going to be easy, look what happen to Jesus.
He put up with rejection, mockery, corrupt trail, wiping, crucifixion and death for God
And he was raised up to heaven because of it.
We can’t persuade anyone to come to God, Only God can.
For a non Christian it’s often not logical nor desirable to them to change their ways
But whoever God has chosen will be affected, we need to sow seeds, be their catalyst
To bring people into a worship service like this would for some be Alien
So we also need to offer different types of Meetings that people nowadays can relate to
These can then grow into services similar to the ones we are use to.
What Christians can do that really makes a different is use the gifts God has given them.
After The Holy Spirit came, God then added thousands to the church,
The early church became a community devoted to the leadership,
Meeting and praising God as one and like the Apostles using the Gifts of God’s Spirit
Seeing wonders and miraculous signs occur, then people will come to join us
We say regularly, Thy kingdom come on earth, as in heaven
Well we are in God’s kingdom the moment we accept Jesus as Lord
Which means we have to live in God’s ways no matter how hard that might be.
Accepting rejection and mockery just as Our Lord did, we need to live to please God.
And we do that by living to God’s way and using the gifts of The Spirit.
Hymn Love Divine, all loves excelling
Blessing Remember always that God loves us.
May we always be ready to serve him in all that we do and say
The blessing of God Almighty, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit,
Be with us as we go in hope, peace, joy, faith and love, witnessing for the Lord. Amen