Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 22nd August 2021.
Today’s service is led by our Brother Mr Nigel Malka, with the assistance of Elders Hazel Flinn, Julie Lonsdale and Maureen Richardson.
Call to worship Psalm 118:20-24 Claudette
Hymn -10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord, o my soul)
Opening prayer followed by The Lord's Prayer -written by Maureen, read by Hazel.
Hymn - In Christ Alone
Share good news- birthdays, anniversaries and how God has blessed us.
Prayers of Intercession – written by Maureen read by Hazel
Hymn - We want to see Jesus lifted high
Bible reading 1 Peter 1:3-12 – Julie
Hymn- Praise to the Lord
Talk - Session 3, Acts 3 Peter uses his Gifts
Mr Nigel Malka
Final hymn- Glorious things of thee are spoken
Doxology -