Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 9th May 2021: Christian Aid Service
This week's service is in aid of Christian Aid, to donate online please donate to Elmwood's page:
Order of Service
Call to Worship: Psalm: 96 v11-13: Cel
Prayer of Approach:
O sing to the Lord a new song.
Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, and bless his name;
tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations.
His marvellous works among all the people.
1st Song: All Creation Sing
Opening Prayer: Cel
We are gathered with the family of humanity to celebrate our common home.
We honour the glory of God in creation.
We come to the source of living water.
We give thanks for God’s generous provision, and
sing with joy and clap our hands.
O God, the heavens are not glad, the earth does not rejoice warming gasses fill the atmosphere, pollution turns clean air foul, climate change wreaks havoc.
The sea roars with the grief of the plastic that fills it with the destruction of coral reef.
The delayed rains and prolonged drought for species extinction on a daily basis. No song of joy rings out from the trees of the forest decimated by forest fires.
How long O God until justice comes for all your creatures and the Earth?
God, you know us. You know that we can be loving and kind; and sometimes we get things wrong.
We are sorry for the times we hurt others people, forget to listen to you and don’t bother to take care of your world.
We are sorry Lord, please forgive us Lord for in you we put our trust.
The Lord’s Prayer
2nd Song: If the Fields are Parched
Video: Listen to the Children by Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Environment speech
3rd Song: For the Beauty of the Earth
Video: Florence’s Story
Reading by April
Offertory: Cel
Thank you for your offerings today.
In our giving, let us put our words into action, sharing our resources with those working for justice.
And let us give with God’s vision of a more just world in our mind’s eye and hope in our hearts.
Do use the envelopes on your seat or the online donation link to make your contribution on our web site.
Please complete the Gift Aid slip to help your contribution go further,
As well as making regular giving to Christian Aid.
4th Song: Strength will Rise as we Wait Upon the Lord
Bible Reading: Micah 6 v1-9
Read by April
Reflection: Listen mortal.
Read by Deanna
Gospel Reading: John 15 v9-17
Read by Ruth
5th Song: The Kingdom of God, Taize
Message: Elder Henry Nelson
Prayers of Intercession: Cel
God of abundant life, we see your goodness all around us and
We thank you for every part of it;
From the plants and animals which play their part in the complex ecosystems, to the dry deserts and stormy seas which test the limits of life.
We pray that in this time of climate crisis and ecological emergency,
You may help us to rediscover your love of creation and reflect that in own lives.
God in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
God who speaks through the unexpected people.
We thank you for contemporary prophets who are challenging us to
Act on climate change.
For the indigenous people and the land and sea where they live,
For scientist dedicating their careers to warning us about changes to the planet, and for young people striking for their future.
We pray that you will help those in power to hear their prophetic voices.
Help them to see beyond the short-term political priorities and business plans, and give them wisdom and courage when they face difficult decisions.
God in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God of second chances, we recognise the damage we have done to the earth, and the injustice we see in society every day, all of it fuel by worship of profit and possessions.
We pray for the coming of a better world with justice, kindness and humility at its heart.
We ask that you guide us to be co-creators of this world.
Give us confidence to follow the prophetic voices to stand against injustice to people and the planet.
So that together in your strength we stop this climate crisis.
God in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We ask all this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.
6th Song: You shall go out with Joy
Blessing: Cel
May God bless us with wonder at creation’s glory.
May God bless us with fury at creation’s spoiling.
May God bless us with courage at this critical hour.
And may the blessing of God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, rest upon us and all creation, this day and for the future.