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 Sunday 7th March 2021


Welcome to Elmwood Congregation Sunday Worship. Thank you for joining us. Our message this morning is on a YouTube presentation by Rev Nick Stanyon. Rev Nick is our Evangelist for The United Reformed Church, West Midlands.


Our thanks to Rev Nick. Our thanks to Elders Julie Lonsdale (call to worship, bible reading and blessing) Hazel Flinn (hymns and prayers of intercession). Thanks also to Heather for our opening and Lord’s prayer.

Call to Worship: Julie

Hymn 1: There’s a quiet understanding

Opening and Lord’s Prayer: Heather

Hymn 2: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God

Good News, Inspiration, Birthdays, Anniversaries and how God has blessed us.


Hymn 3: The kingdom of God is justice and joy

Bible Reading: Mark 8:27-38 - Julie

Sermon: Did He call me Satan?

Rev Nick Stanyon: Synod Evangelist United Reformed Church, West Midlands Synod

Hymn 4: Jesus Christ is waiting

Prayers of Intercession: Hazel

Hymn 5: Let there be love shared among us

Blessing: Julie

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