Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 14th February 2021
Welcome to Racial Justice Sunday
Resources used are from URC Global & Intercultural Ministries.
We thank Rev Elaine Hutchinson for the sermon.
What Kind of Love? - Cel
Invitation to Worship: Stephen
Opening Prayer: Stephen
Hymn: What Kind of Love is This
Opening Reflection: Deanna
Hymn: The Church is one Foundation
Goodness, Inspiration this year.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Real Story: AGM: Cel
Ephesians 6 v12 (Video)
Hymn: Sing to God New Songs of Worship
Poem: Bound by Acceptance: April
Bible Reading: Song of Solomon 1 v5-6: April
Poem: In God’s Image: Jenny
Gospel Reading: Mark 9 v2-10: April
Sermon: Rev Elaine Hutchinson
Prayers of Intercession: Rev Pamela Ogilvie
Hymn: Great is Thy Faithfulness
Benediction: Jenny
We thank Stephen, Deanna, April, Jenny, Rev Pamela, Doreen for their contribution to our service today.