Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 23th May 2021
Welcome to Elmwood Congregation Sunday Worship.
Thank you for joining us this morning, we are worshipping on WhatsApp and in Church.
Preparing for Worship: Claudette
Hymn: Come, Now is the Time to Worship
Opening Prayer of Praise, Thanksgiving and forgiveness followed by the Lord’s Prayer- Claudette
Hymn: We are one with the spirit
Offertory, Good News, Inspiration, Birthdays, Anniversaries and how God has blessed us.
Bible Readings:
Luke 10:1-12 Read by Basha
& Acts 2:1-21 Read by Angela
Hymn: Holy Spirit, we welcome you
Message: The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few
Hymn: Spirit of gentleness
Prayers of Healing: Claudette
Hymn: Peace Like a River
Blessing: May God’s Blessing Surround you https://youtu.be/jFWmjtYozEA