Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Vision & Mission
Lord, may we be a church with a vision for a mission which has compassion for all people across boundaries of faith, race and culture
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Prayer
"He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed"
from Luke 4: 18
'...to be a church that crosses the boundaries of race and culture to share good news with the poor; that seeks freedom for the captives of poverty and prosperity; to give vision to the spiritually blind; to release those who are oppressed and recognise that the time has come for the healing of the nations."
adapted from Luke 4: 18-19
"That we will be a welcoming space for people of all faiths, races and cultures and that they may be touched by God's love through us.
In Jesus name Amen."