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 Sunday 11th April 2021

Welcome to Elmwood Congregation Sunday Worship.

Thank you for joining us. Our message this morning is by Pastor Bryan Byfield.

Prayer of Approach: Cel

Risen Lord Jesus you are faithful beyond our deepest fears.

Beyond the rejection of the world, beyond the grave.

Hear our prayer.

You speak peace in our most anxious times, bringing healing to the pains we suffer.

Make us whole-hearted in our belief as we are in our doubt.

Give us Thomas’s honesty and his awareness of what is at stake for those who believe.

Hear our prayer.

Forgive us when we are content to make do with half measures, half faith,

half doubt, and help us to see your sense and your living presence in doubt as well as faith.


Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Opening Prayer: Cel

Risen Jesus, we come to you with joy.

We delight in you above all else, in you we find our safety and shelter.

You give us space to grow and flourish, and you shower us with your abundant love.

Thank you that you are merciful and eternal.

You call us by our name and lead us in your way.

Thank you that you gather us together in our differences.

As we gather here today you will feed us with your words so they may sustain us.

Forgive us when we do no know you and recognise your great act of love, because we cannot believe how deep your love flows.

Forgive us when we do recognise your great deed of justice, because of the way we treat others.

Forgive us when we do not follow Christ, because the call is too hard to hear.

Forgive us, fill us with love and truth, that the world will come to know you.


The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: He Lives! (I Serve A Risen Saviour)

Good News, Inspiration, Birthdays, Anniversaries and how God has blessed us.

Hymn: Hallelujah, Jesus is Alive

Bible Reading: Luke 18 v1-8 Heather

Hymn: God is Love, His the Care

Message: You have to keep coming: Pastor Byfield

Hymn: Pray

Prayers of Healing/Intercession: Claudette

Hymn: To God be the Glory



Our thanks to Pastor Byfield for his message, Heather Bible Reading, Doreen Junior Church and Claudette for Prayers.

Blessings to everyone worshipping today: Cel

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