Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 12th July 2020
Disappointment: A Time To Reset
Song: "Love the Lord" -CJ and Friends
Bible story - Zacchaeus -Animated bible story for kids based on Luke 19:1-10
Call to Worship -Henry
For our call to worship today, let us give thanks to God for His mercy and the assurance that, as children of God nothing, not even life or death or Covid-19 can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus
our Lord. Thanks to God.
Song: "Here I am to worship" -Heather Hedley
Opening Prayer
Come Jesus, come into our presence so that we may offer up our praise and worship to you. Your love for us is unconditional help us to be like you Jesus, You are accepting of all who call upon your name. Help us to accept those who are different, just as easily as we accept those who are similar to ourselves. We come to you burdened with the anxieties, fears, sadness from the last week but yet you have shown us mercy by providing moments of happiness, joy, laughter and good news. We want to thank you for those small mercies, which help us to cope when our lives appear to be in turmoil. We know we are not walking alone in times of trouble, it is at those times that you are carrying us and helping to make our burdens lighter.
Lord, we come before you this morning to ask that you:
Open our eyes so we can see you amongst all the worldly things that we experience on a daily basis.
Open our ears so we can hear your Word amongst the conversations we have with each other.
Open our minds so we can put You first amongst our thoughts and
Open our hearts so You can fill them with Your presence and encourage us to share Your lovingkindness towards each other.
Help us to lean on Your word and not on our own understanding.
In Jesus name we pray.
Lord's Prayer -Miriam
Song: "Praise him in Advance" -Marvin Sapp
We come to a time in the service to share good news, birthdays, celebrations or anything good that God has done in your life this week. Even if you think nothing has happened remember you can always praise God in advance!
Good News
Song: "Let there be Love" -Emmaus Music
Bible Reading: Psalm 43 v1-5 -Roy
Punjabi Version -Vic
Song: "Lord I lift Your Name On High" -Carlene Davis
Message: Pastor Bryan Byfield 'Disappointment a Time to Reset'
Song: 'Let the church say Amen' -Marvin Winans
Please remember those on the prayer list this month
We name before God those who we carry in our hearts and minds today
Prayers of Intercession -Julie
Lord God you are the Father of all people and we come before you today with our prayers knowing that you will hear us, help us and guide us. Forgive us that so often we are more ready to turn to you in times of trouble and need rather than to thank you when we are at peace and enjoying happy times.
In these times of isolation, apart from loved ones, distant from friends and unable to attend church, we thank you that there is nothing in all of creation that is able to separate us from your love. We see your never failing love being shared through the kindness of strangers looking out for each other, for neighbours pulling together, for small acts of kindness, a welcome phone call or note through the letterbox. Keep us all in your care and instil in our shaken, vulnerable souls the belief and hope that all things are possible with your love.
Today we pray For those who are unwell or concerned for loved ones. For those suffering from anxiety or vulnerable because of underlying conditions. For those watching their entire income stream dry up, for those who are more lonely than they've ever been and for all who are bereaved and grieving. God be their healer, comforter and protection, be their strength, shield and provision, be their security, safety and close companion
Loving God, we ask for your blessing on our work here at :Elmwood as we seek to create a church community that welcomes the stranger, provides a refuge for those who feel threatened or alone and a represents a place of belonging for all. In a world where the peace which is your will seems so far from our grasp we ask you to help us to be understanding and tolerant of people who we consider to be different to ourselves. Through Christ Jesus you have taught us to love one another, to love our neighbours as ourselves, and even to love our enemies, so in times of violence and fear, let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts.
Lord be with us at this difficult time. Help us to be strong and not afraid, to be good tempered and considerate, to think before we speak, to be positive even when things go wrong and to act kindly to those we find it difficult to like. Help us to receive your spirit through prayer and worship, fellowship and service so that it will grow in us, to your glory.
Lord accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ,
Song: "A God like You" -Kirk Franklin
May God's blessings go with you covering you and offering the protection, strength, wisdom and healing you need this day and throughout the coming week. Amen.