Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 8th August 2021
Today’s service is led by Elder Roy Cummings, prayers by Elder Julie Lonsdale and the message by Pastor Bryan Byfield.
Call to worship- Psalms 66 verses 1-4.- Elder Roy
Hymn – Come, Now is the time to worship
Opening prayer followed by The Lord's Prayer -Elder Julie
Hymn -At the name of Jesus
Share good news- birthdays, anniversaries and how God has blessed us.
Hymn -My Jesus my saviour
Bible reading- John 9:1-11 -Elder Roy.
The message: It’s about Tim -Pastor Bryan Byfield.
Hymn-Thine be the glory
Prayers of healing/intercession -Elder Julie
Final hymn- Praise my soul the king of heaven
The Blessing -Elder Roy.