Elmwood United
Reformed Church
Sunday 28th March 2021
Welcome to Elmwood Congregation Sunday Worship. Thank you for joining us. Our message this morning is by Mr Delroy Brown.
Delroy and his family are good friends of Elmwood. We hope that they will come to Elmwood again as soon as possible. We thank Delroy for leading our worship this morning.
Our thanks also to Elders Julie (opening prayer and prayers of intercession) Hazel (bible reading).
Call to Worship: Claudette Psalm 118:19-24
Hymn: This the Day That the Lord Has Made
Opening Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer: Julie
Hymn: Hosanna In the Highest
Good News, Inspiration, Birthdays, Anniversaries and how God has blessed us.
Hymn: All Glory Lord and Honour
Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:3-9
Hymn: Be still and know
Message: You are chosen by God – Mr Delroy Brown
Hymn: When I survey the Wondrous Cross
Prayers of Healing/Intercession: Julie
Hymn: And can it be
Doxology: https://youtu.be/gLamGZjelSU